Brand Sentiment: A Metric of the Heart

What is Brand Sentiment?

Sentiment is defined as an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling. Given the abstract nature of the word, one may wonder how a company goes about measuring this attribute. It is complex, and it takes time, trust, and two-way action to carefully curate an overall positive brand sentiment.

Every brand has its place in the world. Brand sentiment reminds companies to discern where exactly that is for the people that matter most—their customers. Whether it is a well-respected Fortune 500 company or a shiny, new local shop, the importance of how effectively your customers feel that your brand delivers on its promise remains vital to achieving success.

With the massive amount of numerical data and information available today, the value of brand sentiment can often be lost in the fray. Many companies tend to undervalue sentiment because they are too focused on the short-term numbers. Good products and prices alone are no longer enough to compete within the modern era of the Internet. And with the rise of social media, people have begun looking to others for both advice and validation.

For example, choosing a new restaurant to try is no longer a casual, impulsive decision. The majority of customers now scroll through endless pages of options, knocking off potentials with a mere glance at ratings and reviews. When your audience is talking, it is your job to be a part of the conversation. It is time to go beyond listening. Engage and respond.

“When your audience is talking, it is your job to be a part of the conversation. It is time to go beyond listening.

Is it enough to be liked?

Congratulations on winning in the online review space! Now, it’s time to get to work. While it is generally great to be liked, it is not enough. Companies should strive for trust and respect. Think of your customers as people you want in your life for a long time. Society changes their minds everyday, switching from like to dislike in the blink of an eye, so it is vital for businesses to strive for more depth. Building a steady relationship on those core principles of trust and respect will help your brand stand the test of time and strife. Naturally, the next question to ask is how do brands earn respect?

Brands earn respect the same way people do.

Start by asking your audience deeper questions. Instead of manipulating responses by asking quick, calculated questions, search further and deeper to uncover the true sentiment of your brand.  Asking these types of questions will show your customers that you listen and care enough to know how they really feel:

·      Why are you building this new product?

·      How do you think it will help people and businesses?

·      Which brands in your industry hold the highest share of voice on social media?

·      Who is in conversations about your brand, products, industry, and competitors?

·      What topics in your industry generate the most buzz?

·      Which influencers are talking about your brand—and also your competitors’ brands?

·      How do your customers and employees really feel about your offerings or about your culture?

·      In general, how committed are your customers to your brand?

·      What is the likelihood that your customer would recommend your brand to someone?

·      Have you evaluated your Net Promoter Score?

How can analyzing sentiment help?

Through measuring how different brands relate to the feelings of their target consumers, companies can determine which strategies are the most successful. While many might see the wealth of information that’s open to the world as a disadvantage, the individuals who use this material to their benefit will be the most prosperous. Studying how customers react to not only your company but also other brands and campaigns will allow you to test out tactics without expending any of your own finances or effort. Listening and responding to popular topics among your audience will reassure them that your company genuinely wants to connect. Using social media data and all types of open-source information can help further business relationships and drive innovation.

Listening and responding to popular topics among your audience will reassure them that your company genuinely wants to connect.

Where do we go from here?

As previously stated, your brand’s sentiment should be derived from a strong, two-way business relationship. Listen, analyze, and react to what your consumers are feeling. The best relationships take time, patience, and attentiveness. You can build a committed consumer base by establishing and consistently fostering trust and respect. People do not dole out their thoughts and feelings for no reason, and there is no time to waste. The conversation is ongoing and constant, and it is important that you remain a participant. People want to feel cared about, and you should start by joining them as they develop their thoughts and discussions.

Helpful Takeaway Tools

New tools designed to help measure sentiment are emerging every day.  Several social sites have developed methods to analyze the tone and diction of the constant consumer chat. While brand sentiment is not a simple concept or numerical value that can be calculated, utilizing the many tools available can greatly help.

Here are a few of our favorite instruments for measuring brand sentiment:

  • Hootsuite Insights
  • Brandwatch Analytics from Hootsuite
  • Twitter Advanced Search
  • Semantria’s Lexalytics
  • Rapidminer
  • Net Promoter Score

Gallant Culture can help measure your brand’s sentiment and enchant your customers. Contact us for a free, strategic consultation today. 

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